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Animals - Their lighter side! Issue : 01-05292019


I love animals, ALL animals! I can spend hours scrolling through pictures of animals and I truly do appreciate a "real good picture". What I've found of late is that I'm particularly drawn to the humor pictures though. Given all the negative news and stories that float around social media, I find it good for my soul to see those pictures and enjoy a good laugh. I'll admit, my breed of choice when it comes to dogs is the Doberman so of course have many "Doberman friends" but any animal that can make me smile - that's a gift worth millions!

I recently posted on Facebook asking "friends" for their funny pet pictures and wow did I get pictures! Please grab a coffee, sit back and relax and have some giggles! If you "like", please share the laughs, forward that gift of joy! Without further ado.... Please enjoy!

Ricochet says "Bye for now, come back for more!"

Share some JOY!!!!

Karen Grzenda

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