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Liar - Cancer Detector


Updated: May 15, 2019

If we take the time and let our canines truly into our heart, we can learn so much from them as each one of them has something different to teach us. As we do this, our bond grows deeper.

Liar, is our now seven year old red Doberman and he’s the feature and our first “hero” in this blog.

Puppy Liar at 5 weeks old, our "old soul"

From the moment I saw Liar’s puppy picture, I felt he had “an old soul”, like there was something in him that was beyond the normal “puppy specialness”. I just knew I had to have him! And so became “Jaimand’s Pants on Fire” with the appropriate call name of “Liar”.

As the years went by, Liar proved to be the “more sensitive” of our Doberman bunch. He seemed to act somewhat “fearful” on occasions and after journalizing, I noticed this tended to happen when Tim or I didn’t feel well. Try as we might, this was something that we have never been able to overcome with Liar.

Tim and I really enjoy spending time with family and friends. We fish with them, have them over to break bread together, we play dice, and sometimes just have coffee and visit. Dolly and Jake, (Tim’s mom and step dad) are “regulars” at our house for these occasions and Liar and Blaze adore them both!

Blaze is always excited to see them as she knows she can manipulate endless butt scratches! Liar is excited to see them but then he always quickly settles down on the bed next to my chair at the dinning room table.

About two years ago, Dolly had gone for her yearly checkup with the doctors and had even had a mammogram done, all tests came back “just fine”. Within a month of that, both her and Jake came over for a visit and as is the case the dogs were overjoyed to see them! But this time things were different. Liar didn’t lay down beside me, instead, he circled around the table, went straight to Dolly and started aggressively nose bumping her left breast. I was absolutely mortified at his behavior and worse, his lack of obedience as I called him multiple times and he wouldn’t stop! I finally had to get up and physically pull him over to his bed and force him down.

The atmosphere was “awkward” to say the least after this, but my LAME attempt to deal with it was even worse! I started sharing stories about various scent dogs and what they’ve all been trained for. I closed my discussion by sharing about a Lab that bit his owners breast and when she went to the hospital for treatment they found a lump that proved to be cancerous.

We all quickly changed the subject, Liar did settle down and we all did have a wonderful game of dice. But that night in bed, I mentioned to Tim how stupid I was for telling the Lab story because what if I had worried Dolly?

It turned out, I did worry Dolly and within a few days she went back to the doctors with her concern. They did another exam and found a very small lump in her breast, almost undetectable. A biopsy was preformed and it was determined that she did have an aggressive breast cancer! Within another month, they had performed a mastectomy and stated at that time they were shocked at how much it had grown in such a short time!

Needless to say, we do all believe that Liar saved her life!

Liar with "Gramma Dolly" after her masectomy.

It’s been a few years now and thanks goes to God for Dolly being cancer free! We’ve shared the story amongst friends and family and now when people come over, it’s quite humorous to see all the females try to draw Liar in for a good “boob sniff”!

But what’s truly amazing to see is the bond that Liar and Dolly now have! Where Liar used to say “hello” and then come lay down beside me, he now has a tendency to give her a sniff where her breast used to be and then he just snuggles her. It’s almost as if he’s giving her the “all clear”!

Liar is our hero!

Please tell me your CANINE HERO story (include a few pictures) so I can share!

Karen Grzenda

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May 17, 2019

And she's still doing awesome! And Liar still confirms! Lol


Cher Lindsey
Cher Lindsey
May 14, 2019

What an amazing story and even more amazing that Tims mom took action so soon after having a mammogram.

Way to go Liar!


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